Male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss in men. It's scientific name is Alopecia, it usually follows a typical pattern of receding hairline and hair thinning on the crown and is caused by the male hormone testosterone and genetic predisposition.
Male pattern baldness does not indicate a medical disorder, but it may affect self- esteem or cause anxiety. The loss hair is usually permanent. Widely known complication of Alopecia are psychological stress and the loss of self-esteem due to change in appearance.
Hair grows about an inch every couple of months.Each hair grows for 2 to 6 years, remains at that length for a short period, and then falls out. A new hair soon begins growing in its place. At any one time, about 85% of the hair on your heads is in the growing phase and 15% is not.
Each hair sits in a cavity in the skin called follicle. Baldness in men occurs when the follicle shrinks over time, result and finer hair. The end result is a very small follicle with no hair inside. Ordinarily, hair should grow back but in men who are balding, the follicle fails to grow a new hair.Why this occurs is not well understood, but it is related to your genes and male sex hormones. Even though they are small, the follicles remain alive suggesting the possibility of new growth.